Tag: Dirty
Savage Grungy
Free Savage grungy brushes. the set contains 8 dirty grungy brushes.
Grunge of Wat Brushes
some grunge brushes i made. Feel free to use, and maybe show me what you make. more to come.
Grunge Brushes
10 high quality (2500x) grunge brushes from texturemate.com.
Blood Marks
Do you like blood?! Just kidding! You can use my pack – Blood Marks – for bloody marks of other paint/watercolor effects! Pack contains 20 HQ brushes (resolution about 2500px) brushes compatible with PS 7 and up!
Viral Expansion
My very first 5 brushes, all pretty high resolution. Please do not use commercially without permission from me.
Dried Blood Splatters
These splatter brushes were created with watercolor dried on lightweight paper to simulate the look of dried blood. Like our Glossy Blood Splatter Photoshop brushes, these can be used to create blood, paint, or paint in UV light. This set contains 117 blood splatter brushes.
Dirt Brush Set
A High-Res Dirt/Grunge brush Set, 14 MB to download!
Grunge Brushes
Free Grunge Photoshop brushes with 12 in set. Feel free to use in both commercial and non-commercial work; however, please credit us by linking to our site at digitalrevolutions.biz
Scratch Brushes
Heavy scratch brush set great for grungy effects. 3 brushes in this set.
Dirty Spray
These High Resolution Spray brushes (8 in total) were custom made just for viewers of Tutorial9.
Dirt Brushes
5 high-resolution (1900-2100px) dirt brushes for photoshop cs.
another set of Grungy looking ps brushes
52 Grunge
dirty grunge brushes. created with Photoshop CS2 but should work with CS3 with no issues.
Dirty Roots
Dirty Roots
Dirty Girl Grunge
Dirty Girl Grunge
Dirty Girl
Dirty Girl
Dirty Brushes
Dirty photoshop brushes by KeReN-R